= I know only one slasher movie "Crown" that I watched in NSC with friends. I love musical movies like "August Rush" and "Whiplash". August rush and whiplash is teen movie.
2. How is the genre of horror suitable a suitable vehicle for a story about injustice?
= Of course all of the horror movies and injustice and it is also against the Biblical principles. Like movie Texas
Chainsaw and Nightmare on Elm Street and Crown.
3. How is the particular visual approach of Unfriended a suitable form for a story about cyber-bullying and its tragic results?
= The movie is about girl killing herself after cyberbully.
4. How does the combination of media form and content provide a window on understanding the cultures presented in the diegesis?
= Like American drama "Glee" shows us how the American high school students live and their lifestyles that we can compare our culture to their culture. Movie "Devil Wears Prada" shows how the Americans work on their company and the lifestyles of them.
5. How does the combination of media form and content in Unfriended play down the cultural differences between media producer and consumer?
= In Korea we do not
have any parties but in America they do have parties. We can see the
cultural differences through it.
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