Cannes Lion Award-Winning "Three Little Pigs advert"
This is a great advert.
The aim of the advertisement was to let the readers know that Britain’s Guardian newspaper excels in covering the day’s news stories from a multitude of angles and on a variety of platforms.
the Three Little Pigs burn the wolf alive as they did in the original fable. Then begins the modern twist where they are arrested by a British swat team, which brings on a mass madness of talk from the public via social media platforms such as twitter. After the analysis and witness testimonies declare that the due to his asthma, wolf was unable to blow down a house made of sticks, let alone a straw house, the Three Little Pigs are found guilty in the end of trying to commit insurance fraud by blowing their own house down. This goes on to sparks global riot because the mortgage system. And throughout the story, the Guardian is there to cover it all across a multitude of media platforms.
1. Describe the affect of this approach of advertisement. This kinds of videos are really evocative, if girls would see this they would think how would they act, and they would try to change to right way. This video encourages women who were bound to conformity of the society. 2. Is it better to explicitly state the values that that an advertisement is promoting?
YES, it is much better if we state the values explicitly. This types of videos must give messages to the audience and catch the attention of the audience as quick as possible. Stating to much of the inessential messages would detour the main message and disturb to convey the main message effectively to the audience.
3. By explicitly stating values did these advertisements mute other values?
Yes because not all people are same they would be different. By explicitly stating the values there might be a tendency to mute other values.
4. How are these advertisements different from the usual soap or hygiene products?
This commercial was different from the usual soap or hygiene products. Usually the soap or hygiene products advertisement they use famous models or celebrity to show that there product is good. But in this advertisement they put values on the reality to raise people's sympathy.
5. What are the positive aspects of these advertisements?
The positive aspects of these advertisement is that it helps us to think and examine our values. It would probably influence people to change their act after watching the video.
6. What are the negative aspects of these advertisements?
There might be sometimes that the purpose of the advertisement would be changed but like the commercial by dove says that the women are all beautiful and it actually well conveyed the message.
7. How were these advertisements able to communicate a positive message?
Just a word that to be free and beautiful gives the positive messages. It encouraged the women to be get out of the conformity and be more encouraged from low self-esteem because all women are beautiful.
9. To what extent would you say do these advertisements depart or question stereotypes, and to what extend do they perpetuate the stereotypes?
This advertisements broke the stereotypes. If we watch the advertisement of Like a Girl, they break all the boxes that they wrote their limitations as a girl. Which tells us that jokes and words that are unintentionally would definitely affect people.
10. How would you characterize the tension between selling "positive" values and selling the products?
The positive values and the products are in one thing. If the positive values like saying that "You are beautiful", "Don't set limitations",and "You are boundless" would give them positive values and to the product also.
A public service announcement (PSA) or public service ad, is a message in the public interest disseminated by the media without charge, with the objective of raising awareness, changing public attitudes and behavior towards a social issue.
The main message in this PSA would be not use phone while driving. The drivers usually thinks that the accident would not happen to me and they thinks that I am good in driving. But whether you are a car racer or ordinary driver if you are not looking front how would you drive safely? Accident always occurs instantly. Drivers should be aware of this.
In our modern days the technologies has been evolved very expeditiously. We are well-updated to the technologies, it is possible to watch TV programs, movies, youtube from phone. We are media literate persons who is access to social media all the time. But it can be secret weapon and it could cause a disaster to one's life.
If we observe the graph on the left, we could recognize that 12% of the car accident is occurred by using phone.
The concept of this PSA was quite impressive. Both of the concepts and designs were good because the concept for this PSA is to give the audience the self-examination and to input that the using phone while driving would be violent action that can cause a sudden disaster. The design that the driver using phone makes the audience to be familiarized with the scene by using the pictures that look ordinary.
The technical requirements are necessary for making the PSA. In this PSA they used camera, Lights, sound recordings. The camera shots were smoothly natural and the actors were shown clearly in the video. Some establishing shots were used with heli-camera. The lights were bright at first when the lady with their friends or family and the background sounds were good and bright also. But when the two cars that were already accelerated are about to collide then all of the music stops and turn into sound effect that draws the interests and makes the scene much more intense. Than the lighting were little bit dark. The camera shots took the emotions of each scene the happy and sad.
The PSA is absolutely evocative because it makes us to examine our past deeds that were wrong or right. It gives the audience provocation to be much more responsible with driving. The video contains seriousness about the issue and the message. It doesn't discriminate against any class of people. The PSA build on both positive and negative emotions. The moment when the drivers were hanging out with friends and family their emotion was happy but when comes to the point when they are about to bump their emotions were sad and fear.
All of the PSA should have certain target audience. This PSA's target audience is the drivers. They several strategies that when the two lady driver gets down the car. They start to apologize each other because they are not just one who is in the car but they are responsible for the people who is inside the car. SO it gave idea and appeal to the target audience very effectively.
1. How much am I familiar with the film genres of found footage, slasher, and teen movies? Can I think of other movie genres that are interrelated according to subforms? = I know only one slasher movie "Crown" that I watched in NSC with friends. I love musical movies like "August Rush" and "Whiplash". August rush and whiplash is teen movie.
2. How is the genre of horror suitable a suitable vehicle for a story about injustice?
= Of course all of the horror movies and injustice and it is also against the Biblical principles. Like movie Texas
Chainsaw and Nightmare on Elm Street and Crown.
3. How is the particular visual approach of Unfriended a suitable form for a story about cyber-bullying and its tragic results?
= The movie is about girl killing herself after cyberbully. 4. How does the combination of media form and content provide a window on understanding the cultures presented in the diegesis?
= Like American drama "Glee" shows us how the American high school students live and their lifestyles that we can compare our culture to their culture. Movie "Devil Wears Prada" shows how the Americans work on their company and the lifestyles of them.
5. How does the combination of media form and content in Unfriended play down the cultural differences between media producer and consumer?
= In Korea we do not
have any parties but in America they do have parties. We can see the
cultural differences through it.
'South Korean President, Park Gyeun Hye Impeached"
In our analysIs, we concluded that international news are still the most reliable source of information which is in our example is CNN, We chose CNN because its show s more details and explains the news by using quotes of the person who actually said it.. Newspapers can also be counted as reliable because it also stated just the news and it doesn’t have any extra opinions. It’s not just detailed us in CNN. In the television news coverage we choseABS-CBN in our surprise it’s almost the same with the report of CNN. We know that one of the main anchors is known for delivering news in the same time giving his opinion but this time he didn’t. Lastly, we got Rappler as a Facebook link, this site we really expected that there will be many opinions because it’s not really known for giving accurate information.
In these analysIs we will see how different types of media frame our understanding of the world. Media is really a powerful tool. There are some media that can mislead you and this can cause you to see the wrong things as if it’s right without knowing it. One example, Rappler gives you a news that if South Korean president got impeached. General Ban kimoon is interested in taking the new position knowing that the prime minister would take the position if the president is impeached. Even ban kimoon is not telling that his gonna run.