Saturday, January 14, 2017

"The Eye"
 Ponder Questions & Answers

The Eye is released on 2002, it is Hong Kong-Singaporean horror film. The movie, "The Eye" is also known as "Seeing Ghost" is directed by the Pang brothers. 

Mun is Blind since the age of two, 20-year-old Hong Kong classical violinist Mun undergoes an eye cornea transplant after receiving a pair of new eyes from a donor. Initially, she is glad to have her sense of sight restored but becomes troubled when she starts seeing mysterious figures that seem to foretell gruesome deaths. This movie's story is around the main character Mun seeing ghosts after she had a surgery.

I have found 3 different movie trailers of "The Eye". First trailer is The original trailer(2002),Second trailer remake is Indian(2005), and the Last trailer remake is from Hollywood (2008).

This trailer is made in Hong Kong-Singapore but it was released also in other countries but the trailer and move contained their own style and culture so because of that it could be Indigenization and Glocalization. 

Each of the remakes from India and Hollywood trailers are very dissimilar even though they are same movie trailer because they had their own distinct features and distinguishing characteristics. I was able to find the reasons that why those two has peculiarities. Those  reasons had relevance to their own countries' culture and the   different society where each of the movie trailer director lived. Indian movie trailer was showed Hybridisation because it had some superimpose and used some different BGM compared to other trailers. BUT the Hollywood trailer was really Glocalization. TO target the local and global media or file market they've to use those strategies.

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